CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 14
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 14 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1997-09].iso
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Please fill in the needed data, add the cash and put it into the "sum-field"
below and send money and regform (signed) to...
Christoph Rickers
Karlstrasse 30
38106 Braunschweig
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Money97 Registration Form
I would like to become a registered Money97 user, use it without restrictions
and support the author! I have read the full copyright section and the
assiciated AFD and agree to it.
Personal Data:
Full Name: ____________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Birthday(*): ____________________________________
EMail(*): ____________________________________
Phone(*): ____________________________________
System Specific Data (*):
Amiga Model: ________________ cpu: ______ mhz: __
OS Version: ________________ MUI Version: ______
Memory (mb): chip: _____ fast: ______ video: ___
GfxBoard: ____________________________________
Additions: ____________________________________
I got Money97-demo from: ____________________________
I would like to see: ________________________________
__________________________________ in future versions.
I first heard about Money97 at/from: ________________
(*) This data is optionally. I don't need it, but it would ease further to im-
prove this product to suit the needs of most of its users. All data supplied
be stored on my machine only and not be accessible to others.
Transfer Mode:
o I want to get a Money97 keyfile and the latest version
via Snail Mail. DM 20,- or US$ 25,-
o No other transfer modes are available, yet.
Note: Only US$ are accepted as foreign cash. Registration fee will then
be US$ 25 dollars. Please note that I prefer german currency.
Sum: ________
Paying Methods:
o I have included the above amount in cash
o I have included an euro cheque in german DM.
(only accepted in europe)
o I have transferred the money in DM to this bank account and
INCLUDED the receipt:
Christoph Rickers
Kto: 4163788
BLZ: 270 700 30
Deutsche Bank Braunschweig
Please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery. Usually you will get your
copy 1 or 2 days after I got the money - but if I am going to release a
new version of Money97 the next days, you will get this one and a little
o I don't want this, send my copy at once.
o That's ok, I allow up to 2 weeks for delivery and always get the
newest available version.
____________, __.__.199_ _______________________________________
(town) (date) (signature)
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Thanks for registering!